For Emergencies
Dial 911


Open communication with our community is paramount for the Havre de Grace Police Department, therefore, we publish our policies for the public to view. While every real-life situation is unique every member of the department is expected to use these policies as a guide to making decisions in a professional, impartial, and reasonable manner. These policies help guide the actions of our officers and civilian personnel as they perform their daily duties.

Department policies are frequently updated and subject to constant change, or rescinded to accommodate new laws, court decisions, best practices, and other factors that may dictate revisions, additions or deletions where it is necessary and appropriate. This is done to better serve our citizens and the Havre de Grace Police Department. Our department has undertaken a comprehensive evaluation of our policies and will be adding additional policies as they are completed.

By law, there are a few policies that have not been included because their release could jeopardize officers or public safety as well as certain operations.

Section 1

100 Policies – Law Enforcement Role and Authority:

0 - Preface: Mission StatementLast updated: 2/20/2024

100 - Law Enforcement Agency RoleLast updated: 7/19/2023

101 - Oath of OfficeLast updated: 7/19/2023

102 - Policy ManualLast updated: 7/19/2023

Section 2

200 Policies – Organization and Administration

200 - Organizational Structure and ResponsibilityLast updated: 7/19/2023

201 - Special OrdersLast updated: 7/19/2023

202 - Emergency Operations PlanLast updated: 7/19/2023

203 - TrainingLast updated: 7/19/2023

204 - Electronic MailLast updated: 7/19/2023

205 - Administrative CommunicationsLast updated: 7/19/2023

206 - Supervision Staffing LevelsLast updated: 7/19/2023

207 - Retiree Concealed FirearmsLast updated: 12/12/2023

Section 3

300 Policies – General Operations

300 - Use of ForceLast updated: 11/26/2024

301 - Use of Force Review BoardsLast updated: 7/19/2023

302 - Handcuffing and RestraintsLast updated: 11/26/2024

303 - Control DevicesLast updated: 7/19/2023

304 - Conducted Energy DeviceLast updated: 7/19/2023

305 - Officer Involved Shootings and DeathsLast updated: 7/19/2023

306 - FirearmsLast updated: 11/26/2024

307 - Vehicle PursuitsLast updated: 7/19/2023

308 - Foot PursuitsLast updated: 12/12/2023

309 - Officer Response to CallsLast updated: 7/19/2023

310 - CaninesLast updated: 12/12/2023

311 - Domestic ViolenceLast updated: 7/19/2023

312 - Search and SeizureLast updated: 7/19/2023

313 - Child AbuseLast updated: 11/26/2024

314 - Adult AbuseLast updated: 7/19/2023

315 - Discriminatory HarassmentLast updated: 7/19/2023

316 - Missing PersonsLast updated: 11/26/2024

317 - Public AlertsLast updated: 11/26/2024

318 - Victim and Witness AssistanceLast updated: 7/19/2023

319 - Hate CrimesLast updated: 11/26/2024

320 - Standards of ConductLast updated: 7/19/2023

321 - Information Technology UseLast updated: 7/19/2023

322 - Report PreparationLast updated: 7/19/2023

323 - Media RelationsLast updated: 7/19/2023

324 - Subpoenas and Court AppearancesLast updated: 7/19/2023

325 - Outside Agency AssisstanceLast updated: 7/19/2023

326 - Registered Offender InformationLast updated: 7/19/2023

327 - Major Incident NotificationLast updated: 12/12/2023

328 - Death InvestigationLast updated: 7/19/2023

329 - Identity TheftLast updated: 7/19/2023

330 - Private Person’s ArrestLast updated: 7/19/2023

332 - Communications with Persons with DisabilitiesLast updated: 12/12/2023

335 - Public Safety Video Surveillance SystemLast updated: 11/26/2024

336 - Child and Dependent Adult SafetyLast updated: 12/12/2023

337 - Service AnimalsLast updated: 12/12/2023

338 - VolunteersLast updated: 11/26/2024

340 - Off-Duty Law Enforcement ActionsLast updated: 12/12/2023

341 - Department Use of Social MediaLast updated: 7/19/2023

342 - Community RelationsLast updated: 7/19/2023

343 - Extreme Risk Protective OrdersLast updated: 12/12/2023

344 - Generative Artificial Intelligence UseLast updated: 12/10/2024

Section 4

400 Policies – Operations

400 - PatrolLast updated: 11/26/2024

401 - Bias Based Policing ProhibitedLast updated: 12/10/2024

402 - Roll CallLast updated: 7/19/2023

403 - Crime and Disaster Scene IntegrityLast updated: 12/12/2023

405 - Ride-AlongsLast updated: 12/12/2023

406 - Hazardous Material ResponseLast updated: 12/12/2023

407 - Hostage and Barricade IncidentsLast updated: 12/12/2023

408 - Response to Bomb CallsLast updated: 12/12/2023

409 - Homeless PersonsLast updated: 7/19/2023

410 - Mental Illness and Crisis Intervention IncidentsLast updated: 7/19/2023

411 - Mental Health EvaluationsLast updated: 7/19/2023

412 - Citation ReleasesLast updated: 7/19/2023

418 - Field Training OfficersLast updated: 12/12/2023

420 - Contacts and Temporary DetentionsLast updated: 12/12/2023

422 - Watch CommanderLast updated: 12/12/2023

424 - Mobile Digital Computer UseLast updated: 12/12/2023

425 - Body Worn Camera PolicyLast updated: 12/12/2023

426 - Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs)Last updated: 12/10/2024

428 - Medical CannabisLast updated: 11/26/2024

429 - Medical Aid and ResponseLast updated: 7/19/2023

430 - First Amendment AssembliesLast updated: 7/19/2023

431 - Civil DisputesLast updated: 12/12/2023

432 - Suspicious Activity ReportingLast updated: 7/19/2023

433 - Public Recording of Law Enforcement ActivityLast updated: 12/12/2023

434 - Body-Worn CamerasLast updated: 12/10/2024

Section 5

500 Policies – Traffic Operations

500 - TrafficLast updated: 7/19/2023

501 - Traffic AccidentsLast updated: 7/19/2023

502 - Vehicle TowingLast updated: 7/19/2023

504 - Under the Influence/Impaired DrivingLast updated: 12/12/2023

505 - Safety Equipment Repair Orders (SERO), Traffic and Parking CitationsLast updated: 12/12/2023

Section 6

600 Policies – Investigation Operations

600 - Investigation and ProsecutionLast updated: 11/26/2024

601 - Sexual Assault InvestigationsLast updated: 7/19/2023

602 - Asset ForfeitureLast updated: 11/26/2024

604 - Eyewitness IdentificationLast updated: 12/12/2023

605 - Brady InformationLast updated: 7/19/2023

606 - Unmanned Aerial SystemLast updated: 12/12/2023

607 - Search/Arrest Warrant ServiceLast updated: 2/20/2024

608 - Operations Planning and DeconflictionLast updated: 12/12/2023

Section 7

700 Policies – Equipment

700 - Department-Owned and Personal PropertyLast updated: 12/12/2023

701 - Personal Communication DevicesLast updated: 11/26/2024

702 - Vehicle MaintenanceLast updated: 12/12/2023

703 - Vehicle UseLast updated: 7/19/2023

704 - Cash Handling, Security and ManagementLast updated: 12/12/2023

705 - Personal Protective EquipmentLast updated: 12/12/2023

Section 8

800 Policies – Support Services

800 - CommunicationsLast updated: 7/19/2023

801 - PropertyLast updated: 7/19/2023

802 - Records SectionLast updated: 2/20/2024

803 - Records Maintenance and ReleaseLast updated: 7/19/2023

804 - Protected InformationLast updated: 7/19/2023

Section 9

900 Policies – Custody

900 - Temporary Custody of AdultsLast updated: 7/19/2023

901 - Temporary Custody of JuvenilesLast updated: 11/26/2024

902 - Custodial SearchesLast updated: 2/20/2024

903 - Prison Rape EliminationLast updated: 7/19/2023

Section 10

1000 Policies – Personnel

1000 - Recruitment and SelectionLast updated: 11/26/2024

1001 - Performance EvaluationsLast updated: 2/20/2024

1002 - Special Assignments and PromotionsLast updated: 12/10/2024

1003 - GrievancesLast updated: 12/12/2023

1004 - Anti-RetaliationLast updated: 12/12/2023

1005 - Reporting of Arrests, Convictions and Court OrdersLast updated: 12/12/2023

1006 - Policy 1006 Drug- and Alcohol-Free WorkplaceLast updated: 1/22/2025

1007 - Sick LeaveLast updated: 12/12/2023

1008 - Communicable DiseasesLast updated: 7/19/2023

1010 - Personal ComplaintsLast updated: 11/26/2024

1013 - Personnel RecordsLast updated: 11/26/2024

1014 - Request for Change of AssignmentLast updated: 12/12/2023

1015 - Commendations and AwardsLast updated: 12/12/2023

1016 - Fitness for DutyLast updated: 12/12/2023

1019 - Payroll RecordsLast updated: 12/12/2023

1020 - Overtime CompensationLast updated: 12/12/2023

1021 - Secondary Employment and Outside OvertimeLast updated: 12/12/2023

1022 - Work-Related Injury and Illness ReportingLast updated: 12/12/2023

1023 - Personal Appearance StandardsLast updated: 11/26/2024

1024 - Uniforms and Civilian AttireLast updated: 11/26/2024

1025 - Conflict of InterestLast updated: 12/12/2023

1026 - Badges, Patches and IdentificationLast updated: 12/12/2023

1027 - Temporary Modified-Duty AssignmentsLast updated: 11/26/2024

1029 - Employee Speech, Expression and Social NetworkingLast updated: 7/19/2023

1030 - Workplace Safety and HealthLast updated: 12/12/2023

1031 - Line-of-Duty DeathsLast updated: 1/22/2025

1032 - Wellness ProgramLast updated: 1/22/2025