The following local, county, state, and national resources are provided to give you access to information that pertains to residents of Havre de Grace, MD city limits. All links open in a new window for your convenience. If you have questions contact the Havre de Grace Police Department.
Adult Protective Services | The program provides professional services to protect endangered, vulnerable adults' health, safety, and welfare. |
Adult Use Cannabis Information | Maryland news on cannabis. |
Animal Control | Protecting pets and wild animals from the dangers they face in the wild and on the streets. |
Complaint or Compliment Form | All complaints or compliments can be completed on the following form and submitted to the department or can be directly submitted to the Police Accountability Board. |
Department of Corrections | DOC Offender lookup. |
Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services | The DPSCS protects the public, its employees, and detainees and offenders under its supervision. |
Family watchdog | Sex offender database. |
Harford County Public Schools | An American public school system serving the residents of Harford County, Maryland. |
Harford County Sheriffs Office | The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is a Maryland Law Enforcement agency, providing professional police, courts and correctional services to the citizens of Harford County. |
Harford Crisis Center | Resources if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction or a mental health issue. |
Havre de Grace City Website | Discover The City of Havre de Grace in Harford County, a local government portal for the citizens of Havre de Grace MD. |
Homeless Services | Information about homeless prevention; shelter diversion; street outreach; temporary shelter; rental assistance; and permanent housing with support services. |
House Check Request Form | Please fill out and return it to the Police Department. |
Maryland Chiefs of Police Association | MCPA is recognized as the voice of law enforcement advocacy on behalf of local law enforcement in Maryland. |
Maryland Courts - Case Search | Case Search provides public access to case records originating within the District Court and Circuit Courts. |
Maryland Department of Human Services | The Maryland DHS helps vulnerable Marylanders buy healthy foods, pay energy bills, and obtain medical assistance. Additionally, they also provide stable environments for at-risk children and adults. |
Maryland Sex and Violent Offender Registry | Find registered sex offenders living and working near you, be notified of registrants' movements, and explore resources that will help you to prevent and get treatment for sexual abuse. |
Maryland State Police | MSP works to coordinate efforts between local and federal law enforcement. |
Mediation Program | Mediation is an informal process conducted in a neutral setting with two skilled mediators to help you to work out a lasting solution to your conflict. Mediation is voluntary and confidential. |
Official Body Camera Footage Request | Once completed, return the form to Angela Wirsching, e-mail [email protected]. For questions call (410) 939-2121. |
Official Police Report Request Form | Once complete, return the form to Jean Williams, e-mail: [email protected]. For questions, call (410) 939-2121 |
The Sexual Assault/Spouse Abuse Resource Center | SARC is lifeline for victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking by providing safe haven, advocacy, resources, and hope in Harford County. |
VINE | VINE is the nation’s leading victim notification network. It allows survivors, victims of crime, and other concerned citizens to access timely and reliable information about offenders or criminal cases in U.S. jails and prisons. |
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